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June Wellness Challenge

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You're IN for the month June and our Ardens Garden Wellness Challenge! 


Not a member yet?

Use code JUNEWELL to make your first class FREE or purchase our BOGO Special so you can grab 2 classes for the price of 1!


Ready to dive in?

Grab your 2-week Unlimited Class Pass for only $55 and save 50% on your first month's membership if you become a member before your class pass expires.

Only a couple more steps to make sure you're fully immersed in this challenge with us!


1. Join our Private Facebook Group

                       *click the photo below to request access*









2. Follow us on Instagram












3. Make sure you head over to Arden's Garden (Sandtown Location ONLY) to grab your Wellness Cleanse Juice Bundle

***You'll need this 1 Day Cleanse at least 4 out of the 30 Days (Feel Free to do more)!










4. Do the following prompts EVERYDAY this month, post and tag us using the following hashtags so we can keep track:

#TFCJuneWellness #fitnesscollectiveatl #ardensgardensandtown #insideoutwell.   

                                                                    (click image for downloadable PDF)



















Every Friday one lucky winner will be announced for our FREE FRIDAY GIVEAWAY! 


Remember: There's more to fitness than working out - so fuel your body with good food, daily prayer or meditation, and be mindful of what you need to be the best YOU!


Journal prompts will be in our Instagram stories so make sure you have a pen and paper handy to observe your thoughts and patterns!!!

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